Ready to have fun with your money?

I empower female entrepreneurs to have fun with their money and feel confident so that they can enjoy their money NOW and in the FUTURE, because I believe our money and our business can only thrive at the level of our emotional well-being.

My Values


I go first. I lead by example.  I don’t talk in theory, I live and embody it so I can help you do the same.  


Having a childlike wonder and play is our birthright. We don’t have to wait until retirement to have fun, use our money and enjoy our life. We can have fun NOW and in the FUTURE.


Money was created BY US as a tool and now we have allowed it to control us.  It’s time to take our power back.  We get to generate, have, share, use and give it in ways that nourish our soul.


Honoring the desires that were put into our heart. They are specifically there for each of us to bring them to life.  No more using money as a reason why you can’t have what you want.


Erin Gray surfing in Maui

Hi, I'm Erin.

I help you let go the feelings that you have around money like shame, guilt, and being hyper-vigilant with your money so that you can enjoy yourself and your business now while also planning for the future.

I’m on a mission to empower female entrepreneurs to have fun and feel confident with their money and in their business.  So many of us have been taught what we need to “do” with our money and yet many of us still feel fear, stress, anxiety, dread or even avoid our money.  No matter how much we have. 

We have been taught that there is a “right” way or a “wrong” way to invest our money and run our business.  

Many times, we outsource our power and authority to our advisors as to what is best for us with our money because we think they know better than we do.  No one knows what’s best for you except YOU. 

Many of us have been brought up to believe that we have to work hard for money, that money is a scarce resource and hustle is necessary.  We don’t believe or trust that we can have fun in our business and that resting and playing actually enhances our business.

You didn’t come here to planet earth to stress about money and deprive yourself of living the life you want now.  You don’t have to continue pressuring yourself with your business and your money.  The whole point of starting your business was to enjoy more freedom, rest, and truly live.

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