1:1 Support and Mentoring

You are not the only business owner that feels this way.   Most entrepreneurs share with me the following sentiments:

1) Feeling “silly” for asking their accountant or bookkeeper some of the questions they have, they don’t ask because it feels too embarrassing, or they don’t even know the questions to ask. 

2) Thinking that the financial industry has complicated a lot of the terms (which I completely agree).

3) Feeling shame and guilt when it comes to their money and doing CEO things.

4) Outsource their decision making to their advisor because they aren’t yet aware of the way they are meant to move through this world, in their business and BE in their bodies.

5) Most have grown up in families that either had a lack and scarcity mentality and that has been transferred to them or they didn’t talk about money at all.

6) Are stressed for time, feel pressure most days, and aren’t having as much fun as they want.

My approach to mentoring and coaching is different than most.

I believe we first have to get into our bodies and teach our bodies that we are safe to feel any emotion before we begin changing our money mindset.

So how do we actually do this together?

  • Helping you learn to slow down and actually pay attention to your body and the signals that it is giving you.
  • Providing a safe space for you to be truthful to share how you’re feeling in a judgment free zone.
  • Teaching you how to use Human Design as a tool to see how your energy is meant to move through the world and how you are meant to make decisions.
  • Encouraging you to play and do things that light your soul on fire.  It is in doing those things that more stories and beliefs will surface so that we can work through them.

We might be a good fit if:

  • You are willing to learn a new way of being and lean into trust and let go of old beliefs and practiced patterns.
  • You want to feel more at peace and ease with your money and stop stressing about it all the time
  • You want to trust yourself in your business and with your money and stop doing what you think you “should do”
  • You want to have more fun… in your life, in your business, with yourself, all of it.
  • You are Human Design aware and/or you are open to exploring Human Design.

$1,500 for 6 sessions.

You can schedule a call to see if we are a good fit using the link below.
Living in Alignment: An Introduction to Human Design for Generators