Rediscovering Joy: How Play Realigns Us with Our True Self

Table of Contents

Travel has been and continues to be one of my greatest teachers and coaches.  Travel provides some of life’s most profound lessons. As we journey to new and exotic locations, we gain fresh perspectives that would be impossible to achieve by staying within our daily routine. By stepping outside our comfort zone, we open ourselves up to self-discovery.

I invited Jodi Greve on the podcast to discuss adventure travel, overcoming the fear of solo travel and how travel will take us outside our comfort zone if we allow it.  You can listen to the episode below.

Redfine what “success” actually looks like to you

That distinction between our self-limiting beliefs and our potential only becomes clear when we’re tested.  Adventure travels allow us to dig deep within ourselves and Jodi elaborates on this topic when she was on Mt. Kilimanjaro.  “During a difficult portion of my Kilimanjaro summit climb, I recognized how years of equating self-worth with achievement had skewed my idea of success. As I struggled up the mountain, my definition of “winning” transformed from beating others to simply persevering through adversity.”

We tend to equate success to just the outcomes like the summits climbed and the goals reached and this often underscores the underlying tenacity, resilience, and courage we had to feel in order to get there. A deeper insight is understanding that genuine success has more to do with personal transformation than mere accomplishment.  And, when we are only focused on the goal, we miss out on feeling all the feelings we are wanting to feel when we do complete our goal.  

Let travel be a reflection of who you are, not what you escape

How often have you come back from a vacation to need another vacation? 
I used to be this person.  I withheld so much from myself that I yearned for a vacation in order to rest, relax and actually enjoy myself.
Rather than using travel as an escape from everyday life, I’ve come to see it as integral to who I am. But escaping our routines can mean simply creating space for reflection within our existing surroundings. Tuning out distractions and listening to your needs doesn’t require extensive travel plans. However you manage it, schedule time to nourish yourself.

The Joy and Self-Expression Derived from Play

The importance of play is something that we often overlook as adults, but it is essential for our well-being. It can be easy to forget the joy and curiosity that comes with play. We get caught up in our routines, responsibilities, and judgments. What if we slowed down and allowed ourselves to experience anticipation and pleasure? In such a fast-paced world, there is little space for us to live by our design. As Generators, we are meant to live in our bodies and respond to what life has to offer us. 
When we can look forward to our lives with anticipation, we tap into a genuine curiosity that can bring a sense of wonder and excitement. And when we’re surprised by something unexpected, it opens us up to new perspectives and ideas. The pleasure we feel when we engage in activities we love releases a burst of dopamine, making us feel good and alive. Therefore, it is important to make time for play in our lives.
Understanding is not just about acquiring new knowledge. It is about embodying these new ideas and skills. When I was learning to surf, I had to remember and incorporate so many new things. It was a challenge, and it made me stronger and more resilient.
Play also allows us to face our fears and come out stronger on the other side. Whether it’s completing an obstacle course or pushing our bodies to new limits, we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. And when we find balance in our lives, nourishing our bodies, minds, and souls through play, we experience a profound sense of poise and contentment.

Embracing Play as Adults 

So, why did we stop playing? Society, upbringing, and the pressures of life tells us that it is childish and unimportant. The truth is, the opposite of play isn’t work – it’s depression. In other words, play is essential for our mental and emotional health. When we neglect play, we miss out on a vital source of joy and self-expression.
As Generators, we are meant to be lit up about our lives. We generate more energy when we are doing things we love whether that be with work or through play. Let’s tap into our curiosity, embrace surprise, and find pleasure in the activities that make us feel alive. Let’s cultivate strength, resilience, and balance. By taking action towards our fears and challenging ourselves, we can break the cycle of the mundane.
According to Brown, many of us are missing out on the joy and fulfillment we deserve. Just like there are tests for heart disease or diabetes, Brown suggests that there should be a test for our happiness and fulfillment. If there were, it would show that we’re in grave danger of not living up to our true potential.

Reconnecting with Ourselves Through Play

So here’s a challenge for you: schedule time for play in your calendar. I know it may sound silly, and in the beginning we have to be intentional about making time for fun. Even just putting it on your calendar can bring up some internal resistance, and it’s worth it.
If you’re not sure what you enjoy doing, start by reconnecting with your inner child. Think about the activities you loved when you were younger. And if you can’t remember, that’s okay too. 
Try out different things until you find something that lights you up. This is where we get to practice tapping into our sacral, asking ourselves yes or no questions, to turn back on the part of us that we have ignored. When we get still, our body will show us what we enjoy. You will start to feel a pull towards things you like and push away from things you don’t.  This is a great place to start playing with tuning back into our sacral.
Remember, this isn’t just another item on your to-do list. Instead, it is an opportunity to connect with our inner child and rediscover joy in the simple things. It’s about nourishing your soul and prioritizing your well-being. Nothing is more important than taking care of yourself and making time for what brings you joy.
Erin Gray

Supporting you to foster your play personality

If you struggle with this and feel stuck or overwhelmed, you aren’t alone.  As humans and Generators, we aren’t taught how to take care of ourselves or prioritize joy in our lives. I provide one on one support specifically catered to Generators in Human Design and we work together to help you let go of the beliefs that are keeping you stuck so that you can begin to live in alignment with who you truly are. You can schedule a call here.
In the next podcast and blog post, I’ll break down different play personalities, so you can identify which resonate with you and start incorporating them into your life more often.
You deserve to be filled with joy and fulfillment.
From my soul to yours,
Erin Gray

Let’s connect on Instagram @theeringray

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