Generate A Life Well Lived Podcast

human design generator

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Play Personality as a Generator?

Discover the different play personalities and how they impact us as Generators. Tune in as I share the different play personalities that Stuart Brown describes in his book and reveals their profound influence on our participation in enjoyable endeavors, our exploration of the world, and our expression of creativity. As a Generator, understanding your play tendencies can lead to a more fulfilling life. Embrace your play personality, surrender to your body’s guidance, and prioritize joy in your life.

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Rediscovering Joy: How Play Realigns Us with Our True Self

Are you ready to tap into the transformative power of play? Join me as we explore how it can revolutionize every aspect of your life. This insightful discussion is inspired by Stuart Brown’s book “Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul”. Brown’s book emphasizes the importance of play and rediscovering joy, which I believe is essential for everyone.

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Transform your money mindset

Transform Your Money Mindset: Developing an Abundance Mindset

Money is a human construct that represents value and exchange within societal agreements and beliefs. 3D money is limited by its physical form and can be easily manipulated or destroyed. 5D money is an abstract concept that transcends the physical realm, encompassing intangible aspects like trust, abundance, and energetic flow. It acknowledges that wealth is not solely measured by material possessions but also factors like well-being, fulfillment, and meaningful connections. 5D money encourages a shift in consciousness towards abundance rather than scarcity, recognizing that our relationship with money goes beyond transactions and involves aligning values with financial decisions. By adopting 5D money, we can cultivate a mindset of abundance and a more meaningful relationship with money.

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