Embodying Your Emotional Authority as a Generator

Have you been told to weigh the pros/cons before making a decision? Do you feel like even though you have thought about your decision, you feel like you’re in a ping-pong match with your mind and can’t move forward? My whole life, I made decisions with my mind before discovering Human Design, realizing I’m a Generator, and figuring out how I am supposed to make decisions with emotional authority.


If you sense being out of alignment or are questioning how to actually make decisions, read on as I share my personal journey of embracing my true self as a Generator.

What is a Human Design Generator?

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom that helps us understand how we are uniquely designed. It’s based on your birthday and time of birth, providing a blueprint of your innate traits and decision-making authority. Within Human Design, there are 5 main types, one of them being Generators. Generators make up about 35% of the population.

As Generators, we have a powerful inner authority, and I truly believe that it is our connection to the Divine. Once we know how to tune in and listen to this, we are able to trust ourselves and the Universe and let go of the control that we have attempted to maintain.

road path human design generator emotional authority

My Life Before Discovering I’m a Generator

Growing up, I never felt quite settled in myself. I constantly questioned my decisions, especially major life choices like my career, relationships, and big moves. Making decisions felt stressful. I often rushed into things based on mental analysis or outside opinions. The clarity I hoped for never fully materialized. I was taught growing up and working in the financial industry to make decisions with my mind. To make a pros/cons list, To analyze something and choose the decision that “makes the best sense,”  especially if it was a financial decision, I felt disconnected from my inner authority and didn’t know how to tune into my own wisdom, and when I did, I would listen to outside forces and doubt it.

Has this ever happened to you? Being unsure of how to make the correct decision for you? If so, discovering your Human Design might provide the missing piece.

Learning I Have Emotional Authority as a Generator

When I first got my chart, one thing stood out – I have a defined Emotional Solar Plexus. This meant I have Emotional Authority, one of the two main decision-making types for Generators. With Emotional Authority, I need to “ride my wave” of feelings and sensations before reaching clarity and inner knowing around big choices.

My entire life, I rushed into decisions, partly because that is how our culture is and partly because of how I was taught to make decisions growing up. Our culture sells us on scarcity. We believe we have to make hurried decisions because, if not, you’ll miss out. And I lost count of the number of times that I made a rushed decision and how it didn’t turn out very well. So, when I learned about my decision-making authority, I realized that I can’t rush and that I have to get to emotional neutral in my body. It is so important to learn what this feels like in your body if you are emotionally defined.

I believe knowing what emotional neutrality feels like in your body is the most important part of learning about your Human Design because our entire lives are made from decisions, and as long as we keep ignoring this piece, we will continue to feel frustrated and repeat patterns.

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Riding the Wave to Decision Clarity

Having Emotional Authority explained so much about my past struggles and the deep misalignment I felt. I now see that my tendency to analyze decisions was short-circuiting my true inner wisdom. I had to learn to ride the emotional waves instead. At first, this was really challenging. I wanted to understand decisions logically in my mind. Sitting with ambiguous feelings seemed frustrating. The more I practiced tuning into my Sacral energy and Solar Plexus wisdom, the easier it became. I built up an evidence list of when I followed my sacral and when I didn’t, and I began to see how much better things turned out when I honored my authority.

With bigger choices, I let myself fully feel through the ups and downs before landing in a calm, neutral state. That’s when I know I’ve reached clarity. No more rushing into things and regretting it later. By riding my emotional waves, I began making decisions fully aligned with my Generator Authority.

This takes practice. Most of us have been so conditioned to rush and hurry, and this is not you and I. We must slow down, take our time, and experience all the highs and lows of something before we get to neutral in our bodies.

Embracing My Generator Self

Discovering Human Design has been so liberating. I now have the missing piece that helps me understand myself on a whole new level. As a Generator, I have an incredible inner wisdom within my body. I just need to tune in, ride my emotional waves, and trust my inner authority. This has led me to a whole new level of alignment and fulfillment. I feel more confident making big choices and know how to listen to my ever-wise inner self.

I hope that by sharing my story, you’re also inspired to embrace your Generator energy, and if you are emotionally defined, make sure you are at a neutral in your body before moving forward.

Erin Gray Human Design Generator wait list

If you’re curious about delving deeper into honoring your Human Design and want support, I invite you to schedule a call.

Let’s journey home to ourselves together.

As always, from my soul to yours,

Erin Gray

Want to connect on Instagram? Find me @theeringray