Erin Gray

Grow the CEO cohort

Are you a female entrepreneur seeking fun, confidence, empowerment, and a supportive community to navigate the financial aspects of your business?

Grow the CEO is designed to help you transform your money mindset, bookkeeping, taxes, and decision-making strategies.

Gain Financial Clarity and Confidence as an Entrepreneur

In this transformative 8-week group cohort you will:

  • Feel confident and empowered when making financial choices for your business
  • Understand and embody your Human Design strategy and authority, enabling you to trust yourself and your intuition
  • Learn about bookkeeping and taxes in an engaging and fun way
  • Work through emotional aspects related to money and their impact on your business
  • Overcome money triggers and develop a healthier relationship with finances
  • Connect with a like-minded community of female entrepreneurs on a similar path

An Immersive and Collaborative Experience which includes:

Maui sunset
Cascais lighthouse

Is the Grow the CEO Cohort Correct for You?

Weekly Program Overview

Here's what you can expect from each week inside Grow the CEO cohort:

Week 1: Introduction and meeting the group Introduction and meeting the group. Dive into your money values, gain clarity, discuss support needs, and set intentions for the 8 weeks. Receive money coaching.

Week 2-3: Introduction to Human Design: Strategy and Authority with special guest Carmen Tuleta: Explore your Human Design chart, understand how to use it in life and business, learn decision-making techniques, and practice embodying your strategy.

Week 4: Money Coaching Receive coaching on financial challenges and opportunities in your business.

Week 5: Bookkeeping Understand your bookkeeping practices, identify areas of avoidance, and learn to make informed financial decisions

Week 6: Somatic practices: Learn about polyvagal theory and develop somatic practices to work through your money stories.

Week 7: Taxes with a CPA: Gain insights into business taxes, ask questions, and receive coaching on tax-related topics.

Week 8: Money Coaching and Somatic Practices Embody your strategy and authority through coaching and somatic practices

Join the Grow the CEO Community

Ready to invest in yourself, your business, and your financial well-being? You can join the Grow the CEO community and experience the power of a supportive, collaborative environment tailored for heart-based entrepreneurs like you by completing the form below.