Receive Your Chart

If you’re new to Human Design, you might be wondering what is it? How does it work? Is this just another personality test?

And the short answer is no, Human Design is not a personality test, I view Human Design like a map that breaks down who you really are, how you and your energy are meant to move through the world, what your gifts are and how you are meant to make decisions.  Because let’s be real here, making decisions is how we create everything in our business and in our life.

As entrepreneurs, so many of us have been taught to make decisions with our minds, to outsource our power to our mentors and advisors and I use Human Design with clients to empower them to listen to themselves again.  To trust their knowing.  And to get out of their heads and into their bodies, because for so many of us, that is where we live. 

Human Design uses a combination of western and eastern disciplines which is why your birthdate is required.

To get started, enter your information below and you will receive your human design chart.

I do not store your information so please make sure you save your PDF.