Erin Gray

Grow the CEO cohort

Where the 3D of money (understanding bookkeeping, taxes and investing and how it applies to your business) along with the 5D of money (energetics and the emotions that you feel with money) meet.

If you are an entrepreneur that wants to:

  • Feel confident and empowered when it comes to money and the choices that you make
  • Understand and embody your Human Design strategy and authority so that you can start trusting yourself in your business and with your decisions 
  • Learn more about your bookkeeping and taxes in a fun way
  • Work through the emotional aspects that you have with money and how it’s affecting your business
  • Connect with other heart-based entrepreneurs that are on this journey with you

then Grow the CEO might be for you.

This cohort will include:

Maui sunset
Cascais lighthouse

This cohort might be for you if:

Week 1: Introduction and meeting everyone.  Discuss the support you are looking for within the group and setting the intention for yourself for these 8 weeks we are together.

Week 2: Intro to Human Design: Strategy and Authority with special guest Carmen Tuleta:  Going over your Human Design Chart, understanding how you use it in your life and business.  Learning to lean into your decision making, playing with Human Design over the coming weeks so that you get a feel for what it feels like in your body.  Signature themes and how to actually use it in the real world.

Week 3: Bookkeeping with special guest Stephanie Williams: Understanding your bookkeeping.  What are you loving about it?  What are you avoiding within your books?  You get to come with your questions and ask Stephanie Williams with The Book Belle the topics you want more clarity on.  If the desire of the group is to get into coaching here too, we can do that.

Week 4: Money trauma with Shavon Swain, LCSW: Special guest Shavon Swain will be here to guide you through some somatic practices as well as discuss how money trauma can impact us.  Shavon will also have you ponder some questions and beliefs you have in regard to money.

Week 5: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) with Noelle Satisfies Souls:  Noelle will break down and explain what EFT is and how we can use it to get into the body.  For those that volunteer, Noelle will guide you through an EFT session that will allow you to bypass the mind and get into your body to let go of some of the feelings and beliefs that are keeping you stuck. 

Week 6: Taxes with a CPA: Understanding taxes within your business and what to look for and be mindful of.  Come with your questions and get them answered.  We can also coach around some of the topics that are coming up for you in regard to your taxes, money and business.

Week 7: Financial Planning:  Topics can include: Tax planning tips for business owners, navigating health care options, and understanding retirement plans and investments. We can also coach around some of the topics that are coming up for you in regard to investing, money and business.

Week 8: Money coaching: Receive support, guidance and coaching on what is coming up for you within your business, money and the topics we have covered.