About Erin

Compassionate Financial Guide and Mentor 

My background is in Financial Planning and a trusted advisor to my dad and uncle in our family’s construction business (think CFO meets HR meets therapist/coach). 

I have seen firsthand how our relationship with money affects our decisions and relationships.  

So many of the gurus out there tell us what we need to “do” with our money and yet not many people are teaching us how to FEEL about our money and BE in a relationship with it. 
The financial industry started as a way to empower us and now what I have seen is we outsource our power to them
Our financial advisors, accountants, attorneys, and bankers are all there to support us, not to tell us what to do.  We are ultimately the ones that know what’s best for us.  
Money was created BY US and somewhere along the way we have forgotten this and allowed ourselves to use money as a reason why we can’t be, do or have what we want.
For the first 40 years of my life I subscribed to the belief that if you work hard, make money, then you can enjoy yourself when you retire.  And what I was experiencing was that I wasn’t enjoying life at all.  I was burnt out, frustrated and chasing money.  
After I had a panic attack while my husband and I were flipping a house in Texas (even though we had money, we were making money.. my brain and my body didn’t feel that way). 
I decided I wanted to live a different life.  One where money and I were lovers and best friends.  Where I could trust money to be there for me, that the amount that I had in my accounts was enough and that I could generate more of it from a place of ease and joy.  
So, over the last 4 years, I have quit my family’s construction business, taken time off from work, moved to Maui and now Idaho, traveled the world, incorporated Human Design into my life, and transformed my relationship with money. 
I have sat with so many people all over the world that have shared the same sentiments as I did about money. Now, I am on a mission to help us change how we feel about money so that we can live a life that is fun, easeful, and full of lots of money.
From my soul to yours,

Fun facts about me...

I LOVE to travel.  With my family, solo, with friends, retreats, I’m down for all of it.  The photos on my website are taken by me and of the places I have visited.

I’m plant based and an animal lover at heart.  Don’t worry, I won’t try to convert you, I love all the meat-eating humans.

I spent too many years dressed up, not being me and listening to all the gurus and I no longer subscribe.  You’ll either find me in a bathing suit, workout clothes or my pajamas.  And I’m committed to changing the way we believe we have to dress, be and act in order to run our business.

I’m obsessed with the outdoors… surfing, e-foiling, kayaking, road biking, swimming, snowboarding, skiing (except camping, I love a nice bed to sleep in at night)

Turtles being released in Costa Rica

'Akaka Falls on the Big Island of Hawaii

Sunset on Bejuco Beach in Costa Rica